Over the next few releases, Decred will enable Proof-of-Stake (“PoS”) miners to vote on proposed consensus changes. This voting will allow Decred users to exercise sovereignty over whether or not to accept hard fork changes, in addition to making other important decisions. Enabling this decision making requires versioning several subsystems: block headers, vote transactions and transaction scripts. Versioning these subsystems allows for reliable and relatively smooth hard forking on an ongoing basis, meaning Decred can continuously upgrade its consensus code provided the PoS miners agree with each of the changes. Further, we have added a series of full-block consensus tests that are automatically run on every pull request to the …
The most difficult groundwork required to clear the route to distributed decision making via Proof-of-Stake (“PoS”) in Decred is nearing completion. While many users and interested outsiders are understandably keen to see a steady stream of new features, we decided to instead focus on making important structural upgrades before beginning work on the more substantive features that make use of Decred’s hybrid PoW/PoS consensus system. The major hurdle of upgrading Decred’s chain database format and related code is almost behind us, and it is accompanied by a substantial performance increase when both doing the initial chain sync (roughly 5x faster, depending on hardware) and handling many concurrent RPCs to the chain daemon. …
Welcome to the Decred Blog!
This is a status update on our projects currently in progress. We are working on several projects within Decred and want to keep users and other interested parties informed of what is going on. Recently, we’ve been pretty quiet on the communication front and have been focusing on getting development work done.
Currently, the major projects underway are
- Paymetheus, a native Windows GUI for dcrwallet
- gominer, a cross-platform PoW mining client
- Web Wallet, a fork of BitPay’s Copay stack
- Synchronizing the btcd database rewrite to dcrd
- Adding support for more gRPC API calls to dcrwallet
A short section describing the status and progress on each of these current projects can be found below.