Decred blockchain analysis - Part 1

Decred blockchain analysis - Part 1

Getting to know the Decred blockchain

I started exploring the Decred blockchain in more depth at the end of 2019 as I scoped out a plan for the third phase of the Open Source Research Program. With a local instance of dcrdata up and running, I watched it whizz through hundreds of thousands of blocks worth of data, creating tables representing every address, transaction, input, output, and vote - the origins and destinations of all the DCR in existence. There’s something satisfying about seeing all of the work it does to prepare that raw data for consumption through charts and tables.

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A More Private Way to Stake

A More Private Way to Stake

The Decred community considers privacy to be a fundamental human right.

Protecting the privacy of Decred users has been a core tenet of the project since it’s inception. To quote the Decred constitution:

Privacy and security are priorities and shall be balanced with the complexity of their implementations. Additional privacy and security technology shall be implemented on a continuing and incremental basis, both proactively and on-demand in response to attacks.

In late 2019, Jake Yocom-Piatt revealed a much anticipated privacy solution for Decred - CoinShuffle++ (CSPP). The introduction of CSPP enables users to anonymize their Decred by mixing with the steady stream of ticket transactions which flow through the network as part of …

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Iterating Privacy

Iterating Privacy

Decred’s privacy features and plans are ready to be revealed. The goal of our privacy features is to be simple, adaptable, and creative.

Rather than take the routes established by privacy-focused projects, e.g. ring signatures, zk-SNARKs, or Mimblewimble, we decided to take a mixnet approach, where we have integrated the mixnet with our Proof-of-Stake (“PoS”) governance system. Currently, just over 50% of all decred in circulation participate in PoS, which requires a steady flow of ticket purchases. This existing transaction flow, unique to Decred, functions as the natural basis for a mixnet. Per the approach with Decred’s PoS governance system, this yields a “many birds, one stone” scenario: stakeholders gain anonymity and they …

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Surveying the Privacy Landscape

Surveying the Privacy Landscape

In this article I will discuss my views on the existing privacy technology in use in the cryptocurrency space. Since several projects have a primary focus on privacy, I will explain the various privacy technologies, which will help in understanding the route Decred has taken and I will advocate we take. A second article will follow that goes into more detail on how Decred plans to approach privacy. The projects I will cover here are:

  • Monero
  • Zcash
  • Grin/Beam
  • Bitcoin
  • Dash

Note that I will only be discussing the on-chain privacy technologies used in each of these cases, not the entire project. At the end of the article, I have assembled a table comparing the various projects and technologies they use.

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2017 Roadmap Update 1

2017 Roadmap Update 1

A lot has happened since we announced our 2017 Roadmap on January 9th, so we figure a progress update is in order. We expect to complete the majority of what was laid out in the roadmap before the end of 2017. Here is a very brief summary of our progress on the roadmap:

  • Convert Decred into a stakeholder-directed DAO
    • Hard fork voting - Complete, In production
    • Public proposal system - Work-in-progress, ETA late Q3 2017
    • Decentralized control of DHG funds - Work-in-progress, ETA early Q1 2018
  • Lightning Network support - Work-in-progress, ETA Q4 2017
  • Improved GUI wallets - Work-in-progress, ETA early Q4 2017
  • RFP process change - Complete, In production
  • Presence at events - Work-in-progress, talks in Q3 and Q4 2017
  • Enhanced privacy - …

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